Sydney Weeks

My name is Sydney Weeks and this is my 10th year of being involved with the DSABV! Before I had the privilege of being on the board, I was a volunteer and a full-time staff member, planning social and education classes, along with our big events like Dash and Gala. I love what the Down Syndrome Association is able to provide our families in the Brazos Valley, whether they are new to the wonderful world of Down syndrome or seasoned veterans.
I am married to my sweet husband, Matthew, who has tagged along to DSABV events with me since college. We have a two-year-old named Annie who constantly keeps us on our toes and are soaking up every second of toddlerhood. I graduated from Texas A&M University with my undergraduate degree in Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Sciences and am currently working on my Master of Special Education at Texas Tech. I teach Special Education in the Brazos Valley and would be happy to answer any public education, SpEd related questions, to anyone who may need it! ]

Priscilla Wolf

Hello! I’m Priscilla Wolf, owner of Wolf Cleaning Services of Aggieland. I’ve been passionately running my commercial cleaning business since 2013 right here in College Station, Texas where I’ve built a beautiful life alongside my husband Chad, and our two amazing kids- Riley and Emily. From an early age, I realized that my true passion lies in lifting others up and making a positive impact in their lives. This drive has led me to actively seek opportunities to lend a helping hand wherever possible. Whether it’s through my business, my family, or my volunteer work, I firmly believe in the power of community and the importance of supporting one another. I’ve had the privilege of volunteering with incredible organizations such as The Kailee Mills Foundation of Spring and Texas A&M University’s CARPOOL, both of which focus on giving back and making a difference in the lives of those around us. Being involved with these organizations has not only enriched my life but has also inspired me to continue seeking ways to contribute to our community. I’m honored to be a part of DSABV as it’s brought joy to me at every event I’ve attended and I’m looking forward to the future and the opportunities that lie ahead.

Gina Cipolla

Howdy! I’ve been home raising my three kids for over 20 years, allowing me to serve time in each community we’ve lived in. Together, my family loves to volunteer, and our greatest joy is when we’re doing something within the special needs community, whether volunteering, hanging with our cousin Eddie, or remembering Lucas …that’s when our hearts are fullest. We’ve volunteered with a wheelchair soccer league and a couple of different special needs baseball organizations. Currently, I sub for CSISD in the special education dept. Perhaps our deep passion for the special needs individuals is all because of how much we loved Lucas, and how much he loved us back. Lucas tragically and unnecessarily lost his life in the summer of 2020, and everything we do now in his community of friends, is in his memory. #LiveLikeLucas I am an Aggie, come from a long line of Ags, have Aggie kids and I love the fact that we live here now! I can’t wait to serve on the board and build more relationships with my special friends and their families, and to help make our community even better!

Tony Cipolla

I am a retired federal agent currently working in corporate security. For years I have been on the sidelines watching my family volunteer in the special needs community. Now that I have more time, I’m eager to get directly involved and look forward to contributing as a board member.

Amanda Bennett


 Amanda is a happily married, stay at home mom of four – Rylee 16, Luke 11, Eli 5, and Abel 2 years old. Abel is their DSABV member. She has a degree in sonography, but after knowing Abel would be arriving, she dedicated herself to being a full-time mommy. Besides being at home with her precious family, she enjoys coffee, lunch dates, and everything in between. 

Jorge Borrego


Jorge Borrego is an education policy analyst at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. He is a former employee of the Down Syndrome Association of Brazos Valley. He was served in various different capacities, working with organizational data, events, and administrational duties. He received a Master of Public Administration from the Bush School of Government at Texas A&M in 2021. Additionally, he served as a legislative director to Representative Lozano, Vice-Chair of Public Education during the 87th Texas Legislature. This is his first opportunity serving on the board of directors for DSABV and he looks forward to serving DSABV members and families.

Ryder Robinson

Public Relations Manager

Ryder Robinson joined the Board of Directors in 2021. A 2016 graduate of Texas A&M University, he previously worked at a camp for individuals with special needs for 6 years, and has been an advocate in all capacities since. After moving back to Bryan/College Station in 2020, this opportunity was the perfect avenue to continue serving a community he holds dearly. Having worked for the B/CS Chamber of Commerce for two years, and now with Bryan Broadcasting, Ryder hopes to bring his knowledge of, and his connections within, the Brazos Valley in order to broaden the horizons and outlook of the Down Syndrome Association.

Kelly Yanoush


Howdy! I am Kelly Yanoush. I am a BCBA at Aggieland Autism Center and I am loving it! My husband and I have found our home in College Station. I wanted to be a part of the community that went beyond my profession and boy did I find it here. I went to the Christmas Party in 2022 and decided that this is where and who I wanted to spend my extra time with. In this position, I hope to make a positive impact and bring joy and love just like the members give. If I am not hanging with the coolest people in the world (DSABV), I am relaxing with my husband or working out at our CrossFit gym.

Heather Bankston

Member at Large

Hello, my name is Heather Bankston. I have two handsome sons whom I adore. My oldest, Bode, is 20 years old and has Down Syndrome. I am told he is the life of every party! My family has been in the Brazos Valley since its beginning, and we love giving back to the community. I have been involved with DSBVA for the last 20 years and my parents Doug and Connie Weedon are actively involved as well. I enjoy being able to help enrich the lives of people born with Down Syndrome through love, inclusion, family and friendship.

Amanda Harris

Member at Large

I am from College Station and a Mama of 4. I started working for CSISD in 2015 in a life skills class room and grew so much more love for my peeps. I worked in the district for 5 years but had to move one to other things. After being away from everyone for so long I missed it and started helping with Pride Assist Baseball and then decided I wanted to serve on the board for DSABV. Other than working and being a Mama I love to fish and just be outdoors.

Roman Trant

Vice President


My name is Roman Trant. I’ve been a part of the DSABV Family since 2012. I got involved when Nancy Jackson asked the company I worked for to purchase a table for the DSABV Gala. Little did I know how much I would fall in love with the organization and families. At the Gala, my eyes and heart were opened to a whole new world of unconditional love. A world of individuals with the ability to see the world through the eyes of pure love and innocence. Donating my time, efforts, and donations when I could – I wanted to be more involved with the organization. I have gotten to know so many of the families and have become really close to them. I also coach Pride Assist: a special needs team, in which many of the players are also involved with DSABV.